intimate surgery

intimate surgery

Labia correction, vaginal tightening, penis enlargement and penis thickening are the most popular intimate surgery procedures in Cologne. Where is the right place if you want penis enlargement, penis thickening or vaginal tightening, hymen reconstruction or labiaplasty? Urologist, gynaecologist, plastic surgeon, dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon? Unfortunately, specialist training in one area is often insufficient to master surgery of the entire pelvis, from the penis and scrotum to the labia, vagina, G-spot, hymen and even the urinary bladder, since all structures are located next to each other. dr Not only did Haffner have extensive training in visceral and plastic surgery, but his professor was also an expert in vaginal reconstruction and the formation of new vaginas in congenital malformations. Through his focus on senological and intimate surgical aspects in plastic-visceral surgery, he has become an experienced surgeon in intimate surgery for both women and men.

Female intimate surgery

Female intimate surgery includes the correction of the external female genitalia, which contributes to the woman's well-being. Many women want to show themselves with a perfect silhouette, also in the intimate area, both in front of their partner and in the sauna. Nowadays, the possibilities of modern intimate surgery are no longer taboo. They are often essential to a healthy sex life, a healthy partnership, as well as a woman's mental health and self-esteem. Laser surgery enables gentle, painless correction of the smaller labia in outpatient treatment. The science of intimate surgery for women and men is very complex and does not only refer to the removal of small skin protrusions.

Vagina tightening labia correction
Labia and vagina tightening

Corrections of the external genitals of women are the most sought-after cosmetic procedures in the intimate area.

The labia correction

A labiaplasty, also known as Labioplasty or vulvaplasty, is a surgical procedure in which a woman's labia are altered. The main purpose of a labiaplasty is to improve the shape and appearance of the labia to address aesthetic or functional concerns.

There are two main types of labia: the outer (labia majora) and inner labia (labia minora). In some women, the labia minora can be larger, asymmetrical, or irregularly shaped, which can cause discomfort or problems when wearing tight clothing, exercising, or having sex. In such cases, a labiaplasty can be considered.

The procedure can involve different techniques depending on the specific needs and desires of the patient. In a labia minora reduction, the surgeon removes excess tissue and reshapes the labia to achieve a symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance. In some cases, labia majora augmentation can also be performed by injecting fatty tissue or fillers.

Labia correction is usually performed under local or general anesthesia and usually takes between one and two hours. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and the patient can usually go home the same day. Some recovery time is required and there may be swelling, bruising and mild pain, but these can be managed with painkillers.

As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks and potential complications with labiaplasty, including infection, scarring, changes in sensation, or an asymmetric outcome. It is important that the patient discusses her expectations with the surgeon in detail and that she chooses an experienced and qualified specialist.

It is also important to note that a labiaplasty is a personal procedure and the decision to perform it depends on the patient's individual satisfaction and well-being. A detailed consultation with a medical specialist can help to understand the options, weigh the potential risks and benefits, and make an informed decision.

The labia reduction

A labia reduction, also known as inner labiaplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces the size or shape of the inner labia (labia minora). The main reason for labia reduction is aesthetic or functional concerns associated with the inner labia.

Aesthetic reasons: Some women are unhappy with the size or shape of their labia minora. They can be perceived as too large, asymmetrical or irregular. This can lead to self-esteem issues, discomfort, or limitations in wearing tight clothing or having intimate sex.

Functional Reasons: For some women, enlarged or protruding inner labia can cause discomfort or irritation. This can cause friction or pain when wearing certain items of clothing. In some cases, there may also be discomfort during exercise or sexual intercourse.

There are different labia reduction techniques that can be used depending on the individual needs and preferences of the patient. The most common techniques include:

  1. Linear resection: This technique removes excess tissue from the inner labia while preserving the natural shape and contour. The incision is made along the edge of the inner labia to reduce the size.
  2. V-shaped cut: This technique is used when a significant reduction of the labia minora is desired. A V-shaped incision is made to remove more of the tissue.
  3. Z-shaped cut: Similar to the V-shaped incision, this technique involves making a Z-shaped incision to remove excess tissue. This allows for a greater reduction of the labia.
  4. wedge resection: In this technique, a triangular wedge is removed from the inner labia, reducing the size. This technique allows preserving the natural edge of the labia.

Labia reduction is usually performed under local or general anesthesia. The duration of the procedure varies depending on the extent and technique, but usually takes about one to two hours. Swelling, bruising and minor discomfort may occur after the operation, but these can be treated with painkillers.

A complete labia reduction is not always necessary. In some cases, minor interventions, possibly including thread lifts, labia lifts or clitoral hood lifts, can be sufficient to aesthetically improve the external appearance of the labia. The labia lift and the clitoral hood lift are two separate procedures that can be performed in the field of intimate surgery. Compared to labia reduction, they have different objectives and focus.

Labia tightening (labium majus tightening):

The aim of a labia lift is to improve the appearance of the outer labia (labia majora). The procedure aims to remove excess skin, tighten the labia majora and achieve a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. A volume correction can also be carried out through autologous fat transplantation or filler injections into the outer labia. The focus is mainly on the external appearance and contouring of the labia majora.

Clitoral Hood Reduction:

The clitoral hood tightening is a procedure in which the excess skin on the clitoral hood is reduced. The clitoral hood is the fold of skin that covers the clitoris. Enlargement or excess skin on the clitoral hood can cause the clitoris to be partially or fully covered, which can affect sexual sensation. The clitoral hood tightening aims to uncover the clitoris and improve stimulation.

In comparison, labia reduction mainly focuses on correcting the inner labia (labia minora). It aims to remove excess tissue to improve aesthetic appearance or alleviate functional discomfort. A labia reduction can also restore symmetry and balance to the inner labia.

Labia enlargement

Labia augmentation, also known as labiaplasty or vulvaplasty of the labia majora (labia majora), is a surgical procedure that involves changing the size or shape of the labia majora. There are certain situations in which labia majora augmentation can be considered:

  1. volume loss: With age or after weight loss, the tissues of the labia majora can lose volume, which can make them appear saggy and sagging. Labia augmentation can help restore lost volume and achieve a more youthful appearance.
  2. asymmetry: Some women may have a natural asymmetry or inequality of the labia majora. Labia augmentation can help achieve a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.
  3. Constitutional Hypoplasia: In some women, the labia majora may be naturally underdeveloped or underdeveloped. In such cases, a labia augmentation can be used to increase the volume and fullness of the outer labia.

There are several methods to perform a labia majora augmentation:

  1. autologous fat transplant: In this method, fatty tissue is removed from another part of the body (such as the abdomen or thighs) and injected into the outer labia to increase volume and fullness. Since the body's own fat is used, there is usually no rejection reaction.
  2. Dermal Fat Grafting: In this technique, a small piece of skin along with the underlying fatty tissue is removed from another part of the body and transplanted into the outer labia. This will restore both volume and texture.
  3. Hyaluronic acid filler: Hyaluronic acid fillers can be temporarily injected into the outer labia to increase volume. This method is not permanent and may require regular refresher treatments.

Labia augmentation is the focus of intimate surgery because it restores the external, youthful, fresh and plump appearance of the intimate area. Given the variety of methods, techniques, types, and amounts of materials, a thorough consultation with an experienced medical professional is required to discuss the best options and weigh the risks and benefits

hymen reconstruction

The hymen reconstruction – the Restoration of the hymen – is an important procedure carried out for both religious and other reasons. Experienced surgeons are aware of the special difficulties associated with this seemingly minor procedure. No large or permanent stitches may be used, nor should any scars be created that could later cause pain or even narrowing (scarring vaginal tightness). Too little correction could lead to dissatisfaction on the part of the woman or even the man. There should be “normal” resistance during sexual intercourse with occasional bleeding, but if possible without severe pain for the woman. This condition should be restored using fine plastic surgery. The procedure is demanding because too little correction can lead to complaints from the woman or rather the man. The correction is correct if “normal” resistance occurs during the first sexual intercourse with a few drops of bleeding.

vaginal tightening 

A vaginal tightening, also known as vaginoplasty, is a surgical procedure that tightens and reconstructs the vaginal muscles and surrounding tissue. The main purpose of a vaginal tightening is to improve the firmness and tension of the vagina. Vaginal tightening is recommended for reasons as follows:  

  1. Medical reasons: A vaginal tightening may be recommended in some medical situations, such as women who have problems with incontinence, where the pelvic floor is weakened, or women who have experienced severe stretching of the vaginal tissues during childbirth. In such cases, a vaginal tightening can help improve the function of the vagina and alleviate certain medical problems.
  2. Aesthetic reasons: A vaginal tightening can also be considered for aesthetic reasons. Some women find some looseness or wideness in the vagina uncomfortable and want to restore firmness and tension. It can also help increase sexual pleasure and boost self-confidence.

Methods of vaginal tightening: 

  1. Back wall tightening of the vagina (Posterior Vaginal Repair): This method involves tightening the tissue on the back (rectal) wall of the vagina. This can help increase the firmness and tension of the vagina and treat problems like incontinence or vaginal prolapse.
  2. Front wall tightening of the vagina (Anterior Vaginal Repair): This technique involves tightening the tissue on the front wall of the vagina. This can help improve vaginal firmness and treat certain issues, such as stress incontinence.
  3. Tightening of the vaginal entrances (Perineorrhaphy): This method tightens the area around the vaginal entrance to restore tightness and firmness. This can help increase sexual pleasure and improve aesthetic appearance.

Vaginal tightening is an intimate procedure, the implementation of which also depends on the patient`s individual satisfaction and needs. A suitable doctor for this procedure is an intimate surgeon who is familiar with all anatomical features of the vagina and its surroundings (rectum, bladder, pelvic floor). A qualified intimate surgeon can showcase their achievements with before and after pictures of vaginal tightening. The specialist in intimate surgery at the HeumarktClinic will show you the best options for a gentle and painless vaginal tightening, including the risks and benefits to achieve your individual goals.

The narrowing or tightening of the vaginal entrance

is one of the most common vaginal procedures in the intimate area. Intimate surgery of the woman's external genitals does not only consist of resections. Building and restoring the fullness of connective tissue is just as important. That's how the labia fillings are, that Lipofilling with autologous fat, the Hyaluronic Plasma Radiesse- or Sculptra filling essential for restoring the fullness, the padding and covering functions as well as the aesthetics of the external female genitalia. Likewise has the Injection of the G-spot importance in sex life. But not only the intimate entrance, but the entire unit with the necessary

Thread lift of the vagina (Vagic corset)

with thread lift to restore the vaginal wall that is too wide and not elastic or no longer contracting. The latest laser technology and minimally invasive thread lift can be applied minimally invasively as a vagicorsette, while advanced cases still require a complete front and rear wall tightening of the vagina with plastic surgical exposure of the small pelvis, with suturing of the muscles on the vagina, bladder, rectum and pelvic muscles and require a special musculo-mucosal flap.

Male intimate surgery

Modern cosmetic surgery has opened up new opportunities to improve the aesthetic appearance of the male genital area. The realization that both men and women can experience better body awareness in partnerships through a fuller, larger and more excitable penis has contributed to this development.

One of the best-known and oldest intimate surgical interventions in men is the circumcision, in which the foreskin is removed. This procedure has its roots in religious traditions and used to improve the care of the penis and prevent diseases. Nowadays, the removal of the foreskin is the most frequently performed intimate surgical procedure in men, not only in children.

Modern cosmetic surgery has opened up new opportunities to improve the aesthetic appearance of the male genital area. The realization that both men and women can experience better body image in relationships through a fuller, larger and more excitable penis has contributed to this development. However, such an aesthetic design of the male intimate area cannot be achieved by taking medications such as “Viagra&Co”, as these are primarily aimed at erectile function and can be associated with potential side effects. Men who strive for a muscular look in their intimate area can benefit from the aesthetic design of the male genital area.

Penis enlargement is a relatively well-known procedure in genital surgery and has been performed for some time. The HeumarktClinic team has more than 15 years of experience in penis lengthening and penis thickening and performs the procedure gently, often even without general anesthesia. The specialist specialization of Dr. Haffner in vascular surgery as well as pelvic floor surgery and proctology is of great importance here, as it maintains and improves both blood circulation and the shape of the penis in the pelvic floor area.

The most common procedures in male intimate surgery include:

penis enlargement

penis thickening

Foreskin removal (circumcision)

thickening of the glans

Injection fillings

scrotum lift

Suction of pubic fat

Tightening of the pubic area

With penis lengthening and penis thickening, the team at HeumarktClinic has now more than 20 years experience and carries out the procedure with great routine and gently, even without general anesthesia. The specialist specialization of Dr. Haffner in vascular surgery and pelvic floor surgery - proctology - fits in perfectly with intimate plastic surgery, because this is about maintaining and increasing both the blood circulation and the shape of the limb on the pelvic floor.

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