
What is liposuction?

The LiposuctionAlso Liposuction called, is a plastic surgery procedure. Suction out fat means the final removal of fat cells from certain parts of the body that will never grow again. Liposuction is often performed for aesthetic reasons. In certain diseases, such as lipedema, fat suction can be aimed specifically at the lymphatic tissue. Then you talk about it lymphatic liposuction. If there are medical indications, health insurance companies can grant a subsidy for lymphatic liposuction.

Before the actual liposuction, too Aspiration lipectomy called, the fat cells in the HeumarktClinic are first treated with the Tumescent technique and Water jet technology loosened and then vacuumed. Liposuction with water jet technology uses special solutions that loosen the fat, numb it and stop the bleeding. The dissolved mixture of fat cells and the injected solution can then be sucked out specifically and to the extent necessary.

Typical areas for liposuction are: belly, the Beine,  Po, the Hip and  chin.

Liposuction, liposuction, stomach, waist, bottom, riding pants, legs, pubic area, mons pubis water jet technique, laser lipolysis, endolift, laser tightening

Liposuction, adipose tissue suction, aspiration lipectomy, water jet and laser lipolysis

Liposuction procedure:

    1. Water jet and tumescent technique: First, the fatty tissue is prepared for liposuction. To do this, a so-called tumescent solution is injected into the tissue. The Tumeszens solution consists of anesthetic, 0,9% NaCl, sodium bicarbonate and adrenaline. This solution is injected into the tissue as a strong jet of water, the tissue is diluted, dissolved and mobilized with the jet of water.
    2. After a waiting period of 30 to 120 minutes, the fat cells will have soaked in the special solution and separated from each other.
    3. The anesthesia consists of a combination of local anesthesia using the tumescent solution and sedation until twilight sleep. 
    4. Special cannulas such as spiral cannulas, “basket” or multi-hole cannulas are then used for liposuction. Only small stitches are necessary to place the liposuction cannulas into the tissue. The mixture of tumescent solution and fat cells is removed gently and effectively during the actual liposuction.
    5. The duration of liposuction varies depending on the extent and is between 1,5-3 hours. Liposuction of very small areas – such as a small double chin – can be carried out in a shorter time. Only in obesity are significant and extensive fat aprons present. Large fat aprons require significantly longer time for liposuction.                                           

      When will the liposuction operation be completed?

      Liposuction is completed at the HeumarktClinic when the natural body silhouette and contours have been completely optimized. The surgeon can reconstruct the natural silhouette with liposuction using the so-called “pinch technique”: the skin can be rolled up and moved loosely again. There are no longer any thick rolls of fat. The contours are clearly harmonious, aesthetic and natural. 

      Advantages and risks:

      • Benefits: The most important thing is the natural silhouette, which can be achieved through liposuction without putting much strain on the body. Liposuction can not only bring about aesthetic improvements but can also improve certain diseases - obesity, high cholesterol levels. The daily exercises necessary to lose weight can be carried out without any effort after liposuction. However, liposuction itself is not used to lose weight. Gymnastics becomes easier after liposuction and leads to weight loss with a change in diet. Gymnastics no longer feels like a burden, it's fun again. 
      • risks: Every procedure can also cause disadvantages and risks, but in experienced hands these can be reduced to the absolute minimum. Possible risks and complications that may be associated with liposuction:
        1. Contour deformations: These are the most common side effects of liposuction. This can lead to dents in the skin or wrinkles and excess skin. It is also important not to vacuum too much in one area. Because too much of a good thing can cause dents during liposuction, for example, which then has to be corrected again later. Likewise, the skin can sag and form rolls if too much fat is removed and the necessary natural cushioning is also removed. Therefore, patients should not ask how much fat was removed from me, but rather what does my body look like? Did everything go well without any complications? There are the right questions, which we are happy to answer. After vacuuming extremely large rolls of fat, the skin can form wrinkles. In these cases, skin tightening may be necessary to further optimize the contours. 
        2. Perforation injuries: These are almost impossible in experienced hands. For example, we do not know of any such injuries to internal organs, although this procedure has been carried out for more than 25 years. Nevertheless, piercing the abdomen, lungs, intestines, neck organs and vessels is described in the liposuction literature. 
        3. Thrombosis or embolism: Blood clots that enter the bloodstream can trigger this. Theoretically, fat cells can also enter the bloodstream and become so-called fettemcause bolia. However, these complications are very rare, since the private practice of Dr. Haffner – more than 25 years – have never happened before. However, we adhere to the golden rule that no oversized areas are vacuumed in one session in order to avoid the activation of thrombosis factors.
        4. Hematomas or secondary bleeding: These may occur after surgery. Bleeding can only occur if there are problems with blood clotting. Therefore, a coagulation analysis is carried out before suction. The surgeon then stops the liposuction when - at the end of each liposuction - the suctioned fluid becomes slightly reddish in color. This then prevents secondary bleeding and hematomas. However, bruises are normal and are part of liposuction; they are more or less always present with every liposuction. Swellings and bruises then move deeper after gravity and cause blue discoloration even where liposuction was not performed. For example, during abdominal liposuction, the mons pubis, the pubic area, may later appear blue and swollen. This is normal and will go away on its own. 
        5. Temporary numbness: This can occur in the treated area, numbness usually takes a long time - several months - to heal.

        It is important to note that the risks depend on many factors, including the technique of liposuction, the experience of the surgeon and the individual health condition of the patient, which is thoroughly analyzed before the operation.

During liposuction, the techniques used at HeumarktClinic are as follows, depending on the area of ​​liposuction, conditions, fat rolls, body size, fat layer thickness, costs, etc., depending on the patient's individual needs and goals as well as the body areas to be treated: 

Tumescent liposuction:

We have already described the tumescence technique in the introduction. A special solution (tumescent solution) is injected into the fatty tissue to loosen and anesthetize it and ensure hemostasis. The tumescence technique is actually the preparation for any type of liposuction, whereby the fat cells are then sucked out with a cannula. Manual fat suction, carried out by hand and controlled by a vacuum pump, enables precise contouring and minimizes the risk of bleeding. 

Gasparotti Technique

No vacuum pump is used for liposuction. Liposuction is carried out completely manually using a special syringe, with the negative pressure controlled by hand using special suction syringes. This is the best way to control the quantity and quality of liposuction: instead of using a continuous vacuum machine, the negative pressure is also created by hand and only as much as is necessary. This technique is the best way to prevent dents and rolls. 

 Wwater jet-assisted liposuction (WAL):

As we discussed in the introduction to liposuction, water jet liposuction uses a high-pressure water jet with a special cannula that radiates water in a circular manner to first loosen the fat cells and then suck them out. WAL can protect the surrounding tissue, leads to little bleeding and also protects the nerve endings. At the HeumarktClinic, liposuction is always combined and carried out with water jet technology.

Water jet liposuction (WAL) enables faster recovery for patients compared to traditional methods, as follows:

1. Gentle on tissue: The flat jet of water essentially flushes the fatty tissue out of the tissue structure, while the surrounding connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels remain almost intact.
2. Less pain and fewer hematomas: The treatment is painless and there is less bruising or swelling.
Shorter operation time: Water jet-assisted liposuction enables an efficient procedure.
3. Rapid convalescence: After this outpatient procedure under twilight sleep anesthesia, patients can return directly to their usual surroundings and are able to work again after a few days of rest.
4. Control and security: With this method, you have absolute control over the patient's body contour and can carry out gentle suction with slight cannula movement.   

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) (vaser lipolysis)

This uses ultrasound energy to emulsify (dissolve) the fat cells. The emulsified fat cells are then sucked out. UAL is well suited for areas with firmer, thick rolls of grease that would be difficult to vacuum out by hand alone. The method was popularized as Vaser Lipolysis, as follows: 

Vaser lipolysis is a modern and specialized method of Liposuction, which uses ultrasound energy to precisely and gently dissolve and suck out fatty tissue. Here is some important information about Vaser lipolysis:

  1. Procedures and Benefits:

    • During Vaser lipolysis, fine ultrasound probes are inserted into the tissue.
    • These probes release the fat cells from their structure while the surrounding tissue remains intact.
    • The dissolved fat is then removed using a special suction cannula.
    • Compared to traditional methods, Vaser lipolysis allows for more precise contouring and more effective fat removal.
    • A big advantage is the excellent tightening effect on skin and connective tissue thanks to the ultrasound energy emitted.
  2. Application Areas:

    • Vaser lipolysis is particularly suitable for areas such as the stomach, waist, hips, chest, flanks, back and upper arms.
    • It can also be used to define abdominal muscles (high definition lipo or HD lipo).
  3. Vaser lipolysis process:

    • Infiltration: A special local anesthetic solution is injected into the area to be treated to numb the fat cells and contract the blood vessels.
    • Delivery of ultrasonic energy: Fine ultrasound probes loosen the fat cells from their structure.
    • Aspiration: The dissolved fat is gently removed.
    • skin tightening: The use of ultrasound promotes the regression and tightening of skin and connective tissue.
  4. Recovery time and results:

    • The pain and swelling after Vaser Lipolysis is less compared to conventional methods.
    • Social and professional reintegration usually takes place after a few weeks.

Vaser lipolysis offers a variable application, both for fine contouring and for larger amounts of fat. 

Power-assisted liposuction (PAL):

The Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) is a modern technique in plastic surgery Liposuction. Here is some important information about it:

  1. Technology and functionality:

    • PAL uses a special, motor-driven cannula - a so-called vibrating cannula swinging movement executes.
    • This vibrating cannula mechanically and gently shakes the fat cells out of the tissue. The fat cells loosened by vibration are then sucked out evenly under negative pressure.
  2. Advantages of PAL:

    • Gentle and low-risk: PAL is a gentle method that enables precise modeling.
    • Accurate modeling: Areas that are difficult to vacuum such as ankles, knees and back can be treated well.
    • Consistent results: The PAL is suitable for high-definition liposuction and lipedema surgery.
    • versatility: PAL can be performed under local anesthesia as well as under general anesthesia, but also on an outpatient basis, like other types of liposuction.

PAL is an effective method to reduce unwanted fat accumulation while shaping aesthetic contours.

Vibration-assisted liposuction (VAL):

    • VAL uses vibrations to loosen and suction the fat cells.
    • It can be a gentle method to remove unwanted fat deposits.                     

Please note that the choice of the appropriate method depends on various factors, including the individual anatomy, the desired results and the experience of the surgeon. A Online Appointment  for detailed advice You can now make an appointment directly with our specialist.

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