Anal fistula abscess

Laser Anal Fistula Abscess Plastic Surgery (LAPC) 

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LAPC – Laser Anal Fistula Abscess Plastic Surgery was developed by Dr. Haffner developed. The new laser anal fistula abscess plastic surgery gently repairs anal-perianal fistulas and abscesses without surgical incisions through the sphincter muscles. In conservative proctological anal fistula perianal abscess operations, larger incisions are made, some of which sacrifice the sphincter muscles. On the one hand, there is damage to the sphincter muscles with more or less incontinence, large and disfiguring scars in the intimate area and, above all, a long and uncertain healing process. Anal fistulas and abscesses tend to recur after conventional proctological treatments: that is, they do not heal despite major operations in the hospital and despite cutting the sphincter. In order to change this 2000 year old method of anal and perianal abscesses - since Hippocrates - the innovation of laser anal fistula abscess plastic surgery was introduced. The purpose and greatest advantage of this gentle method is the complete protection of patients and their sphincters, the saving of several stressful hospital procedures, the saving of months and years of constant suffering caused by recurring suppurations in the rectum. Innovations from HeumarktClinic, which spare patients major, stressful procedures with a significant risk of sphincter damage.  

Laser proctology, laser hemorrhoid fistulas

Proctology Laser Plastic Surgery

LAPC: Treating anal fistula abscess with laser instead of surgery 

All types of anal fistulas and abscesses can be treated at the HeumarktClinic LAPC. The method is highly effective and all the more gentle, meaning there is almost no operational stress on the small pelvis. Nevertheless, not all fistulas and abscesses can be completely closed and repaired in one go, but - depending on the extent and course, offshoots and "dead ends" of a fistula systemtemSeveral laser treatments are planned from the outset and must be planned for. The next LAPC laser fistula treatment is just as gentle and painless as the first. The final chances of recovery are greater after each small partial operation. This statement also applies to the LSPC laser coccyx fistula plastic surgery of pilonidal sinus - coccyx fistula. Anal condylomas, polyps, skin tags can be similarly "vaporized" with the appropriate laser method, i.e. sanitized as if they had been blown by the wind. The HeumarktClinic has developed into the market leader for intimate laser procedures in modern intimate laser plastic surgery and proctology in Germany.

Laser anal fistula abscess plastic surgery in Cologne 

The laser treatment of anal fistulas is revolutionizing proctology. Fistulas usually pierce the sphincter muscles of the rectum, so fistula operations were always associated with more or less sphincter damage: the sphincters had to be cut through together with the fistula in order to be able to heal successfully. But even then - by sacrificing the sphincter - the successes were modest: about 50-75% healing success in various types of perianal and anal fistulas.  

Laser fistulas instead of surgery         

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Laser treatment offers the opportunity to close fistulas with a laser beam without any surgical effort and therefore sets new standards in plastic proctological fistula surgery. Above all, the need to cut through the sphincter muscle has become superfluous, old fistula operations and all textbooks about it have become obsolete and, according to our research and results, belong to the past.

How does an anal abscess and anal fistula develop? 

Anal fistulas result from the inflammation of the anal glands, causing a smaller or larger abscess to form. The abscess is reported as a large swelling, lump with redness and severe tenderness on the anus. May rupture spontaneously or be opened and deflated. However, the abscess only heals up to 60-70%, up to 30-40% a purulent duct remains between the rectum and the outside world, which is called fistula in ano, perianal fistula or anal fistula. If a fistula is operated on, the anal fistula operation is only up to 70% successful, but even then by more or less sacrificing the sphincter muscle, which is "recorded" with the fistula. 

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Anal fistula abscess Lasers instead of surgery

The laser treatment of abscesses and fistulas on the rectum is carried out in several steps, usually under a short general anaesthetic. The abscess - fistula is cleaned in advance, pus is flushed out. After that, a special laser fiber is passed into the duct, into the cavity from the abscess, and laser energy is applied. On the one hand, the laser beam kills the bacteria in the passage, in the abscess. Attempts are also being made to seal the walls of the corridor that have been "sterilized" with a laser. This works amazingly well and without knives and scissors, i.e. without "operative" effort and without the risk of surgery. 

How successful is LAPC anal fistula abscess plastic surgery?

The laser treatment of anal fistula and abscess is a new method. There are no big statistics for the success rate in the world. LAPS is also very much dependent on know-how and the way it is carried out: the devil is in the details of how the laser is used. With more experience comes more know-how and more standardization. In our hands, the method is successful, even in complicated cases such as the so-called horseshoe abscess: two abscesses on both sides of the rectum with double fistula tracts. In this case, too, we completely rehabilitated one side of the abscess and put the other side on the path to healing. Conclusion: the laser closure of anal fistulas and abscesses MUST be attempted because there are no alternatives. Because even if the fistula does not close completely after the first laser therapy, a second or third attempt can be made – “without the need for surgery”. While an op. Sphincter damage necessarily entails, in calm, experienced hands there is no sphincter damage in the LAPS anal fistula - anal abscess rehabilitation, the procedure can be repeated several times without relevant dangers. The therapy of choice for anal fistula and anal abscesses is therefore laser instead of cutting in proctology from Dr. (H) Haffner in Cologne. The guiding principle for all laser interventions: "The scalpel stays in the drawer" - pain and damage are a thing of the past. The suppurating fistula afflicted is taken care of forever by a 15-minute LAPS fistula abscess cleanup. No hospital stay necessary. If someone is symptom-free after laser treatment, they no longer need to concern themselves with the rectum.

Anal Fistula Abscess Consultation Online

Anal Fistula Laser Closure Appointment

The modern proctology in Cologne offers the laser anal fistula, abscess, coccyx fistula closure without traumatic surgery with maximum preservation of the sphincter. A special one is used for anal fistulas 3d laser probe used by the HeumarktClinic. The probe shines 3 dimmensional in all directions and perfectly closes off all extensions of abscesses and fistulas. Painless wound healing with "easy" wound care follows, which is then regularly checked and monitored by the doctor. Large wounds, pain, hospital stays, bleeding, open wounds, large disfiguring scars and above all the severing of the sphincter are eliminated. In some cases, however, it is necessary to cover the inner fistula opening with a mucous membrane flap. By closing the source of the fistula in the rectum, the laser closure of the anal fistula in Cologne becomes even safer. The sphincter muscle is not weakened but strengthened. In the special proctology in Cologne, purulent, weeping wounds can be healed without great pain and scars, without disfigurement.

Call laser experts 

Call HumarktClinic nowtel: +1(855)777-6611

Anal fistula thread drainage

What is a thread drainage of anal fistulas

An Thread drainage is a minimally invasive method used by proctologists to treat Anal fistulas is used. Here, the fistula, which connects the abscess to the outside world, is treated by passing a thread through it. The thread then relieves pressure on the abscess and serves to narrow, shrink, and reduce the size of the anal abscess and anal fistula. This enables the controlled drainage of pus and secretions until the acute inflammation subsides. The symptoms are significantly alleviated from the start and continue to decrease. In the long term, thread drainage causes the fistula to dry out and prevents the formation of an abscess. The threads are made of a soft plastic with a smooth surface and are hardly noticeable by the patient. However, thread drainage requires increased hygiene due to the direct passage from the external opening in the anal skin to the internal opening in the anus or intestines. It is important to note that thread drainage is not intended as an alternative to surgical repair of the anal fistula, but rather as a preparatory measure for a subsequent minimally invasive one Fistula closure by laser represents. This reduces the risk of permanent sphincter damage and fecal incontinence compared to conservative surgical excision of the fistula. Modern laser therapy can also be used to quickly heal anal fistulas. 

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