breast revision

What is a breast revision?

Breast revision is an operation which secondary to an initial breast surgery secondary to an initial breast surgery is carried out. These include, for example, breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction. Some women have post-procedure though still not achieved their aesthetic and functional goal. But also changes aging or weight changes can worsen the result of a first operation in such a way that a revision or correction is desired by these patients.

Changes that make women consider revision:

Breast Reconstruction Techniques

It is gibt eine Vielzahl von operative and non-operative techniques from the field of breast reconstruction and aesthetic breast surgery to correct problems with breast implants.

In general, the problems and complaints, wishes, ideas and expectations of patients are very different and individual care is required, depending on the deformities. Secondary surgeries, or breast revisions, can be challenging. We would be happy to discuss the options with you in a personal consultation.

Breast revision is discussed when a breast operation is to be checked and corrected if necessary. Healing problems, major breast surgery, capsular contracture after implants, breast sagging, asymmetry, scars, etc. are the problems that can appear after breast surgery and need breast revision. Many people turn to the internet for help when they are struggling and feel alone, often losing confidence. It's actually a pity, because every plastic surgeon is proud of his successes and will certainly help those affected.

What are the chances of a good breast revision?

At the level of today's training, most plastic surgeons are certainly familiar with revisions and can deal well with possible complications.

Our Unique selling point in the HeumarktClinic is among others the Breast augmentation – breast – reconstruction Auch after oncological operations Made from natural material without the use of plastic nets or sweat membranes. Instead of Acellular Dermal Matrix – ADM’s own muscles and full padding of the implant with an “inner bra”.

Does breast revision scar?

Since surgical incisions are also common in thoracic revision and when feasible very discreet places to be set is the scarring minimal and usually Almost invisible. The scars fade over time until there are only razor-thin lines that are hardly noticeable. People who are prone to excessive scarring (keloids) should discuss this with their surgeon. There are treatment options that can be used prophylactically before an operation. In addition, special attention is required in these patients in the post-operative period in order to scar care and to carry out scar treatments, which can prevent the formation of wide scars or excessive scars.

Individual consulting

We would be happy to advise you in detail about the possibilities. Call us at: 0221 257 2976, use our Online appointment booking or write us a short email: